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It is a goal of Sacred Heart to nourish the entire student; mind, body, soul and spirit. We understand the importance of giving students experiences to grow from inside and out of the classroom. Students at Sacred Heart have the opportunity to engage in a variety of extracurricular activities. 

Students in 7th and 8th grade have the opportunity to be inducted into National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). Students in NJHS must have a grade point average over 90%, obtain recommendations from teachers and complete a thorough application process. An anonymous faculty council selects the inductees. During the year, NJHS hosts multiple service projects and fundraisers to benefit various charities. This year, NJHS hosted our annual walk-a-thon, where the entire student body had a great time raising funds for the Make a Wish Foundation. 

Students in 2nd-8th grade are invited to sing in our Choir with Mrs. Gibson! The Sacred Heart Choir leads our school community in song at Mass each week. 

Students in Middle School are able to choose Yearbook for a year-long elective, in place of their regular rotation. Students create the entire Yearbook from scratch, take photos at events and create content for our annual memory log. 

Students in Middle School are able to choose Broadcast for a year-long elective, in place of their regular rotation. These students bring the morning news to Sacred Heart each day, with a smile. 

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